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Scientifically Industrial Association "Ukrhimprom"



Scientifically Industrial Association "Ukrhimprom" is the company, which works with people and for people. We search for the special approach to each client by operative and flexible acting, taking realia of the today’s market into account.

Diesel fuel
Diesel fuel is intended for high-speed diesel and газотурбинных engines of ground and ship technics. Conditions смесеобразования and ignition of fuel in diesel engines differ from those in carburettor engines. Advantage of the first is the opportunity of realization of a high degree of compression (up to 18 in high-speed diesel engines), owing to what the specific charge of fuel in them on 25-30 % below, than in carburettor engines. At the same time diesel engines differ greater complexity in manufacturing, greater dimensions. On profitability and reliability of work diesel engines successfully compete to carburettor engines. The petroleum-refining industry develops diesel fuel in accordance with GOST 305-82 three marks: Л - years, applied at temperatures of air above 0 °с; З - winter, applied at temperatures up to-20 °с (in this case winter diesel fuel should have заст <-35 °с and п <-25 °с), or winter,Applied at temperatures up to-30 °с then fuel should have заст <-45 °с and п <-35 °с); And - Arctic, which temperature of application up to-50 °с. The maintenance of sulfur in diesel fuel of marks Л and З does not exceed 0,2 % - for I a kind of fuel and 0,5 - for II kind of fuel, and mark And - 0,4 %. For satisfaction of need for diesel fuel development and application of fuel with temperature of hardening 0 °с without normalization of temperature of turbidity are resolved in coordination with the consumer.Для удовлетворения потребности в дизельном топливе разрешаются по согласованию с потребителем выработка и применение топлива с температурой застывания 0 °С без нормирования температуры помутнения. According to GOST 305-82 the following symbol of diesel fuel is accepted: years fuel order in view of the maintenance of sulfur and temperature of flash (S C-0,2 C +40), winter - in view of the maintenance of sulfur and temperature of hardening (Winter C- 0,2 - C- 35).

MAZUT Black oil of mark M-100

Black oil of mark M-100 is made on installation Creking tar with reception of the Crekind-rest and its finishing up to normative requirements by mixture creking - the rest of installation creking with gasoil and a number of other components, with the purpose of its finishing up to normative requirements. The commodity product corresponds to requirements of GOST 10585-99 that allows to realize it, both on internal, and on external the markets.

You can address to our experts for consultation or send inquiry for e-mail: calculation of cost of FeTi . They will operatively contact you and will answer all available questions.

We shall be glad to welcome you at our enterprise. To establish with you long-term mutual relations.

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